Monday, March 17, 2014

The Shocking Truth about Being a Kitsy Lane Boutique Owner

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , , , , , , 31 comments

The Shocking Truth about Being a Kitsy Lane Boutique Owner

After receiving several questions from Boutique Owners who signed up under me, I decided to do an honest review of Kitsy Lane and include my own personal experiences.  

Before I give my review and explain my experience with Kitsy Lane, I should tell you a little something about myself.  I am lazy.  I was never one of those who would be successful at selling Avon or Mary Kay.  I just didn't like the idea of having to push my products on friends and family (i.e individuals).  To be successful at these MLM's you really have to be ready at a moments notice to sell your products and hopefully sign up other motivated individuals under you to do the same.  I just was never that person, which is rather odd being that my professional background is federal enterprise sales.  I was rather good at business to business sales...but business to customer?  Not so much.

So when these Multi Level Marketing companies come across my radar, my first thought is "eh, I know I will not put forth the effort, so why pay to be apart of something I will not be successful at?" (Furthermore, I despise canned cheesy "motivational" calls with a passion).

When I came across Kitsy Lane, of course I was a bit skeptical.  However, it was free, so what did I really have to lose?  Yet, I still did my research and tried to find as many reviews as possible.  Most of the reviews I read ranged from too good to be true to downright horrible.  Being an affiliate marketer and following recent tactics and strategies employed by political parties (disinformation, trolls, etc),  I can sniff BS reviews from a mile away.  If a review is too good, 9 times out of 10 the person is being paid or will be paid to advertise.  If it is too negative, that person most likely had a negative experience and is unable and unwilling to give a fair and balanced perspective. *Life Lesson*

With that said, I still signed up.  I like jewelry, I like the concept of having an online boutique with no start up cost and did I mention it is free?  I signed up and eagerly participated in the training calls and seminars they offered.  I picked my pieces, customized my boutique and  I eagerly connected all my social media platforms.  

I am not going to lie to you dear readers, some of the negative reviews are totally true.  Some of the most popular complaints:

"The prices are very high"
"I think they need to bring down the prices."

Unfortunately I do somewhat agree with this sentiment.  Some of the items, I feel are overpriced.  I personally wouldn't pay that much for them.  For instance:

This Riri Collar is totally adorable.  I love it!  However, $128?  I don't think so!  While I wouldn't pay $128 for this,  I actually have gotten two orders for this necklace.  So, obviously some people would.  Furthermore, the pieces offered by Kitsy Lane range from around $20 to $200, so there is a little something to fit in anyones price point.

"I have been at this for about a year I have not gotten any sales" 
"I was with kitsy lane for nine months. I had 49 customers and 37 store owners sign up under me. No one was buying and no sales were being made, not by me nor by those under me."
"I've "owned" a kitsy lane boutique for almost a year and have not sold a darn thing-even by doing all the marketing techniques and using the help that they provide."

This I totally relate to. While I did get a lot of people to sign up as customers and boutique owners by letting Kitsy self really didn't translate into orders. I will say Kitsy really did a good job with the social media push (automatically) and it did bring quite a few sign ups.  Just not sales.

However, I did not give up.  I started to put forth minimal effort.  I advertised on job sites for "work at home" opportunities and advertised on Instagram and Pinterest...when I got around to it.  Again, more sign ups and limited sales.

Recently, I have gotten motivated to really put in the effort necessary to build my business.  The good news is with Kitsy's automated advertising, 1/3 of my job was taken care of.  However, the rest was up to me.  I bought (and rocked) some jewelry (by the way you do earn commissions on the pieces you buy...just an FYI) anytime I received a compliment I told them all about my boutique.  If they seemed interested in starting their own, I sent them my invitation link.  I advertise on Instagram constantly.  I blog about my flash sales.  Next month I am purchasing a business starter kit from Kitsy complete with jewelry pieces, displays and marketing material, so I can host my own trunk shows and jewelry parties.  Lastly, I sent a marketing email to my family and friends (mind you I said, a marketing email...meaning one) and that one action really helped my business grow.  My mom (of course) sent it to everyone in her contacts and a few other wonderful relatives and friends did the same.

Since then, my business has really grown.  Can I retire on my own private island paradise?  Not quite, but I am receiving orders consistently, with about 10-14 hours a week worth of work.  Not too shabby!  

SO my review in a nutshell, as far as MLM's goes this is my favorite because you do not have to invest anything to get started (unless you want to).  Furthermore, I love a lot of the pieces (not all of 'em) and am pleased with the quality.

In a nutshell, Pros:

1) It's absolutely free.  Not free but pay shipping and totally absolutely free to set up your site, pick out jewelry, and start selling.  
2) Kitsy Lane offers a lot of selling support.  They offer webinars, newsletters and offer unique suggestions to really push your jewelry.
3) Once you connect your boutique to your social media platforms, Kitsy Lane automatically posts sales, specials and coupons for your clientele.  No thinking required


1) Some of the jewelry items in my opinion are overpriced.  However, Kitsy Lane has pieces in all different price ranges to fit in everyone's budget.
2) Even with Kitsy Lanes fabulous webinars, sales material and automated social media marketing, to really see those commission checks flow, you have to put in some work.  Serious work!

All in all I am pleased with Kitsy Lane, and if I had to do it all over again, I would.  
If you want your own boutique click here 

To check out I HEART Retails Jewelry Boutique click here  

To see how Kitsy Lane is doing as a company click here 

As always, Happy Shopping (and Happy Selling!)

P.S You can connect with me on:
Instagram: @IHEARTRetailTherapy
Twitter: @HEARTRetail
Pinterest: RetailTherapy1


  1. Thanks a lot; signing up under you because of the info.

  2. Fabulous Kalisu! If you ever have any questions or need some strategies, let me know I would be glad to help!


  3. Hi Nicole! Thank you for your review!!! Your review is one of the fewest reviews that I actually believed. Very appreciative for the informative information.

    1. No problem! With all the fake reviews out there, I like being honest. Plus I have gotten burned by positive reviews in the past. NOT fun. Thanks for your comment!



  4. Thank you for the review. I found it vert helpful. I do like the fact that there is a good price range for every budget. I was looking into Stella and Dot, but their prices were WAY to high for the people I would be marketing to.

  5. Stella & Dot has some really nice pieces, however, knowing my history of laziness, the start up fee scared me a bit. At least with Kitsy if I fail (which I won't, I am working on my positive thinking) I haven't lost anything!



  6. Hey Nicole thank you for the update on kitsy lane what ive decided to do is start my own blog on my progress from the start on my kitsy lane boutique at I am starting from the beginning, how I'm advertising, whats working whats not etc. Please check it out and if you have other tips for me I'm definately happy to hear them. I have a very strong sales background and very comfortable selling to anyone I think would love the jewelry or have friends and who will love it!!

  7. Hey Nicole, I know you first published this article it was back in march and you stated you were going to purchase the business kit the next month so my question is did you purchase it and in your opinion has it helped with your sales and do you think it is worth it? Have you thrown any parties??

    1. Hi Courtney, I actually just ordered mine (yes I am behind) so I haven't received the starter kit yet. I have a party planned for August so I will take pictures and give an update on my blog.


    2. Very awesome!! Definitely let us know how that goes! Im thinking thats going to be great way to get a large order cause they can see the jewelry 1st hand. I didnt have any social media set up before I started the boutique so I know its gonna take me a lot longer to get the word out there, considering thats all new to me instagram, pinterest, twitter etc. So im feeling a little lost in that area so any advice or suggestions you could give would be very helpful and greatly appreciated!!

  8. Hey Nicole. I enjoyed reading you review, it's very helpful with deciding whether to open a boutique or not. I was wondering how your experiences with the commission, receiving payments, and the company's fulfillment of your customers orders? Many of the negative reviews on other sites are based around issues with these. Thanks :)

    1. Hi Remy! Great questions...I have never had a problem with orders for my customers nor myself (check back here on Tuesday to see what I purchased). However, Kitsy does ship via USPS so I could see where an issue may arise. With that said, the commission checks...I will admit I did have a problem with one commission check after I wrote this article. They send you a check a month after your order is placed. For instance, if I get an order this month I won't get paid until next month. Well my commission check was relatively small and it took almost 2 months to receive. Since it was basically only enough to get a chai latte and possibly put gas in my car, I wasn't too furious. After I spoke with Kitsy Lanes customer service they did tell me to wait and if I didn't receive it by a specific date they would reissue another check. Now they are working with to offer direct deposit, however, I haven't personally received any correspondence about the direct deposit yet.

      Hope this answers your questions!



  9. Thank you for your well written critique and comments on Kitsy Lane - I was looking at their website last week and I'm interested. How would I sign up under you to start a boutique?

  10. You can use this link to sign up. Thank you for your comment and let me know how everything goes!


  11. So its really Free?

    1. LOL, Yes it's really free to sign up and start selling. No hidden fees anywhere!



  12. Thanks for the review. I have just opened, and sales are extremely slow. One issue I do have is that I placed an order, and some of the product was not of good quality. Would you suggest certain designers over others to your customers?

    1. Hmmm, good question. I usually choose the pieces I personally admire. The Vie Collection is a bit more expensive but I have never had a problem with the pieces quality. However, did you get in touch with the Kitsy Lane customer service? If I or a client bought a piece and it was not good quality I would make sure they corrected the problem. Immediately! Please let me know how this works out for you and if you need any help contacting Kitsy to get a refund or another piece. Also let me know what was wrong with your jewelry so I can include that in my follow up Kitsy Lane review.


  13. Hi,
    I want to start this business for a non-profit I support. Meaning all commissions will benefit the non-profit. I really need to know any downside to this, any hidden fee etc? How do they pay? Through check or direct bank transfer. Also, is the website that we design completely free since I plan to promote online sales only? For how long does the account stay active if no online sales are being made? Thank you! Do get in touch with me. Regards Fatima

    1. Hi Fatima, there are absolutely no hidden fees. The website is free and it is already designed. You can add your own picture and change backgrounds but the design aspect is limited. They normally pay through check however now they are working with billme so you can get it direct deposited in your account. And your account will stay active until you decide to deactivate. I hope this helps!


  14. Hi
    I am seriously considering opening up a boutique under you. I'm just making sure that it is free on my end unless I'm purchasing something for myself. I am not real good at selling. I feel that with your help I can be successful.

    1. Hi Kimberly, I promise it is totally free. You don't have to invest a dime. I am thinking of starting a monthly online meetup where all us boutique owners can chat about successes and strategies to help us all be successful. When you sign up let me know and I will include you on the meetup!


    2. Nicole, if you did that, it would tip the scales for me to join. I will bookmark this page and check back as I decide about joining this company.

  15. Hi Nicole,
    I just got home from work and joined under you. Here is my store I'm excited about this opportunity but I'm even more excited that I can learn and be successful. I feel that you will help. I am hoping that what marketing tips and tools I get for the boutique with also help me with my Jerky Direct distributorship.

    1. That is awesome Kimberly! I am going to check out your site today!

      Best regards,


  16. Hi. Thanks for all the information. I definitely curious. I'm not a "seller" and have tried several direct sales companies where I was my own best customer. Have you gotten your "starter kit"? Also, do you know if you can set up at fairs, trade shows to promote? What about advertising (such as in programs for pageants, etc)? Thanks!! Laura J.

    1. Hi yes you can set up at fairs. If I had the money to really purchase some pieces, I would definitely do the craft shows and fairs. I think it's the best way because you get your money back immediately AND you have the jewelry on hand. It is easier to sell something the customer can walk away with it immediately.



  17. I watched or listed to the webinar and set up my store. I'm set and ready to excited!

  18. I REALLY appreciate your honest review. I felt like I was reading MYSELF talk about past impressions of MLM companies. I am very skeptical and do A LOT of research. Thank you for your honest insight into this company. I design jewelry, so this one piqued my curiosity. I may just give it a go.

  19. i am the one who posted that i had been with kitsy lane and had 49 customers and 37 store owners and no sales for me or them. i have been in sales for over 45 years from running a family business to my own. and here what i read is just a blog written by you as another selling technique to get signups. remember you do get a commission from the ones who sign under you as you failed to mention. i have given and others kitsy lane so many ideas that would enhance their opportunity, but fell on deaf ears. so i quit. now i am happy to say that i am a vintage jewelry ebay seller working for myself. am i making money, you bet i am, and i dont have to chase down anyone. ebay runs a tight ship thats what i love and wouldnt trade them for anyone. good luck with this sale tatic you are using.

    1. Hello, thank you for your comment. I agreed with your comments. By letting Kitsy Lane self automate, I got a lot of sign ups and a few boutique orders but no commissions. I did say that in my blog. And I do get commissions from people who sign up under me. However, any one who has signed up under me can tell you I am not pushy nor intrusive to "motivate" them to sell. As far as the sign ups I have received from this post, which I guarantee has been fairly small, I have received no commissions.

      With Kitsy Lane like I stated in my blog, the self automating thing is awesome, but I myself really saw no sales. It wasn't until I started placing orders directly from customers and really putting in the effort myself.

      And congratulations on your business. Instead of posting anonymously you should have let us know of your business. See I am not a hater, I hope everyone is successful.

      Best of luck (and yes, I need all the luck I can get with my jewelry business, so thank you)




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