Size, Cut, and Shape: Why You Can Have the Best Clothes and Still Look a Mess
My personal belief about off the rack clothes is, while they make clothes in many sizes, they are still cut for the size 00 woman. (I think in reality it is the size 2 frame) If you wear a size 18, obviously you have a lot of curves. However, even plus sized clothing, while it may be bigger, still is cut for the rail thin body type. Furthermore, if you are not in the plus size category but have large breast and an ample derriere, finding clothes to fit your body type is still as hassle.
Since I have become a fashion/beauty blogger groupie, I have stumbled across some amazing fashionistas of all different shapes, sizes and hues. The bloggers I closely follow have amazing style. HOWEVER. There are a few bloggers that are not the fashion industry 00, and while the pieces they put together are gorgeous, the clothes don't look good on them.
It has absolutely nothing to do with weight, it has more to do with body types and shapes, and understanding what looks good on you.
Now we are all familiar with the body shape charts, or at least we should be.
These body shape charts serve as a foundation for understanding our shapes, however, there are other factors that should be pondered when you are dressing yourself! For instance, do you have a short torso/long legs and vice versa? Do you have a large bust or a small bust? Do you have a big butt or a flat butt? You may be laughing, but once you inch up past a size 4, these questions are important. Sometimes the advice that all well meaning fashion magazines and stylists give are too generic! Furthermore, you may be a rectangle (or banana) shape but have apple shape characteristics as well, which is referred to as your secondary shape. All of which is important when looking for clothes that flatter.
How can this be? Well, for one, I can tell that she is following the generic body type advice, but she isn't asking herself the more detailed questions to ensure each of her outfits enhance her figure, not take away from it. She is shaped like a rectangle, she has broad shoulders and not a terribly defined waist. If I had to guess, I would think she is probably a size 12-14.
So in typical fashion she does a lot outfits to create an illusion of a waist, which is appropriate, including belting, empire waists, etc. However, what she is not taking into consideration is she has a short torso and is fairly flat chested. To me baby doll dresses and empire waists only look good when you have an ample chest (or at least your boobs stick out further than your gut). If you are thin with a flat chest and no pudge, empire waists can be flattering. However, if you are relatively flat chested, have a rectangle shape and have a gut-say no to empire waists and baby doll dresses. In real life it makes you look pregnant and further accentuates areas you don't want to highlight. Furthermore, this particular blogger is not conscious of her short torso. I know most advice when you have a pudge in the middle is go for high waisted pants and skirts. Really that is brilliant advice, however, if you have a short torso, it makes you look out of proportion and further shortens your torso. It has more of a oompa loompa effect on the body. Also if you have too much pudge the high waisted pant will enhance it!
So what is a short waisted, longer legged, flat chested, rectangle shaped woman with belly pudge to do? GO for a waist that hits slightly below your true waist line; shirts and blouses should hit below this line as well. Tailored blazers with a nipped waist also can slim your waist and give you nice proportion. Also I am crazy in love with peplum skirts right now, which is flattering because they create the illusion of hips which can make your waist look smaller.
What makes you look good in your clothes is not the hottest spring colors, the label inside of the clothes, nor the price you paid for it. How it fits your body is the important part. Fashion is all about balance, proportion and accentuating the positives. I think this is important for those of us who are larger than a size 00. So remember, the basic body shape charts are important and the advice they give are valuable, however, pay attention to proportion, your bust, the length of your legs and torso, your gut, your weight, and the size of your derriere!
If you have a particular body shape (and you have specifics about your body) and need help finding looks that flatter-feel free to email me at with your questions! I will not publish your questions, unless you allow me to!
As Always, Happy Shopping!
If you have a particular body shape (and you have specifics about your body) and need help finding looks that flatter-feel free to email me at with your questions! I will not publish your questions, unless you allow me to!
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My dress came with the poofyish part beneath so I didn't had to buy an extra petticoat. I wasn't sure of my shoes too and asked them to keep it long, and there is plenty of space to work with.