Saturday, April 21, 2012

You Say You Want a Devolution?

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You Say You Want a Devolution?

In the January 2012 issue of Vanity Fair, author Kurt Anderson wrote a fabulous piece about how culture (in particular fashion) has not really changed in the past 20 years. 

From the article: "For most of the last century, America’s cultural landscape—its fashion, art, music, design, entertainment—changed dramatically every 20 years or so. But these days, even as technological and scientific leaps have continued to revolutionize life, popular style has been stuck on repeat, consuming the past instead of creating the new."  (Read the rest here)

I agree with the authors sentiment. 

“It’s a famine of beauty – a famine of beauty, honey!!”-AndrĂ© Leon Talley


 While I understand AndrĂ© as well, I don't think it's a famine of beauty.  I think it's a famine of originality, of genuine style.  Seemingly, most of our "celebutantes", celebrities, artists, magazine editors (ahem) and new fashionistas are really just recycling what some one else did (or does).  While fashion by it's very nature does that frequently, what's lacking is the personal self expression, how the individual rocks the style.  I get inspired by people all day!  I see women with outfits that I want...However, I do not immediately run to the boutique and proceed to wear it piece by piece.  Take the look Retail Addicts!  But make it uniquely your own.

There are exceptions of course.  As crazy as it is, (simply because I remember them as babies on Full House)  Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are stylish.  Extremely stylish.  I recently read their book "Influence" and while it concentrated on others like Diane Von Furstenberg and John Galliano, bits and pieces of the girls style did shine through.  The Olsens, besides having the wealth to buy everything on the runway, mix vintage pieces with modern luxury very well.  Furthermore, while you may see the Chanel half tints on someone else, the Olsens have a knack for making the accessory, dress, shirt, or gown uniquely their own. 

Another example of stylish but unique, is Halle Berry.  Besides being one of the most beautiful people on the planet, she also has her own style expression.  Who could forget this number at the Golden Globes?  Or her dress at the Oscars when she won for Monsters Ball?

Besides always looking her best on the red carpet, this is her in her everyday attire.
I don't know how she does it, but girlfriend does it!  Her style is sleek and modern always with a touch of edge or rock n roll.  She may not be the flashiest, but she rocks her clothes, her clothes do not rock her!

Last but not least, Jennifer Lopez.  I have not always been a J.Lo fan, but ever since this senorita hit 40 (or left Mark Anthony) seemingly her style has been off the charts.  Again, I appreciate J.Lo's new style because it accentuates her legendary curves and is refined.  She looks great in her clothes.

Now, I do not think, J.Lo is the best dressed or most fashionable woman out there.  Like everyone she has made some faux pas, however, now her style is uniquely her own and at 40+ she looks fabulous!

My point Retail Addicts, is the inspiration for new fashion has been waning over the years (about 20-I guess).  However, that should not stop you!  If you are vintage, modern, couture, preppy, conservative or Wal-Mart, wear it like you mean it!  Please!  Just stop carbon copying everyone else.  I want to see you in your clothes, not just your clothes.

What are your thoughts?  Do you think we have changed radically since '92?  What do think of the divas, I mentioned, styles?

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