Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pandemonium at Plato's Closet Mini Grab Bag Event!

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Pandemonium at Plato's Closet Mini Grab Bag Event!

Sunday, (yes I am behind on my posts-don't judge me) I attended Plato's Closet (Dulles, VA) Mini Grab Bag event.  I literally planned for this event.  $10 dollars for a bag I can stuff with as many clothing items as I want? I am so there.

So the day of, I get myself ready and unfortunately the hubby had to go to work so I had to take the kids.  Mistake #1.  Then, since I am trying to get my sexy back, I decided we will walk...I mean it's only a 30 minute walk.  Mistake #2.  My 7 year old son can jump from couch to couch, dresser to bed, and run around the house at dizzying speeds.  However, a simple 30 minute walk?  Too much work!  A 30 minute walk quickly turned into an hour.  Mistake #3.

By the time we reached Plato's it was pure chaos! Women, children, accessories, and clothing were scattered all around the store.  Women were trying to block clothing bins and even had their young children crawling under tables to get to clothing. The staff looked like they had been up for days...poor things, they were weary.  It was pandemonium!  Since I knew I was going to write about the event, I really wanted to take pictures of the store, the staff and the obligatory shameless selfies...but it really wasn't that type of party.  If I wanted to walk away with something (anything!) I had to go all in.  No time nor space for pictures! Plato's gave me little plastic "40" bags (like Old English 40's)  (I apologize but there is no other way to describe the bag) and sent me on my way.  

At first, I tried to be civilized.  I waited patiently and only searched bins that weren't being guarded by self appointed line backers in womens clothing.  However, after a shove or two and complete dismissal of my polite gestures and phrases, I had to unsheathe my blade.  Well not really, I just bogarted my way in and stared at anyone who even looked like they had something to say. (Mind you, I had to shove my way past the rude people anyhow, so I don't lose any sleep over my behavior-believe me) My polite strategy was useless so "Nikki from the block" had to make a special appearance.

It got so crazy, I even had my son going through bins and picking any clothes that were my size to show me. (For shame!)  My five month old baby girl was surprisingly calm...I know she is going to be a retail addict, just like her mom.  I managed to stuff three bags worth of clothes, pay and flee from the ruckus as quickly as little feet could follow me.

All was not lost however!  I managed to pick a few cute items!

I love Target.

I am an NYC girl but Cali seems to have the tee market on lock these past few seasons.

Freaking Miley Cyrus!  Her brand with Max Azaria for Walmart.  Yes I said it, Walmart!  I am so rocking these on some beach...and I dare anyone to say something :)

The knit fabric is forgiving, I promise.

Linen shorts from Forever 21.  Now what the hell to wear them with?

These are my favorite find from the ruckus that was Plato's.  BCBG!  The photo does them no justice, but when I find an outfit I will take a shameless selfie!

I really have no idea what I was thinking or what I am going to do with this skirt.  Whatsoever.  But I'll make it fly (somehow) because I am clever.

One shoulder dress...However, since I have curves (ahem) this will be a top.

I bought 3 bags worth of clothing and accessories for $30 at a (Plato's) retail value of...(drumroll) $110!  SO the pushing and the shoving and general bad behavior was all worth it! (wink)  What do you think?

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