Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What About the Undies?! Is Anyone Thinking of the Undies?! #SavetheUndies

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What About the Undies?!  Is Anyone Thinking of the Undies?! #SavetheUndies

Image from U by Kotex tumblr ubykotex.tumblr.com
Today, we are going to have a big girl talk.  So put on your big girl panties and take a seat.  We are talking about periods. Yes, periods.  Menstrual cycles, Aunt Flo, monthlies, or that special time each month where you are allowed to gorge on ice cream and chocolate and dare anyone to say something about it!

The funny thing is, women have experienced their monthly cycles since the beginning of time, but it is still a bit taboo to talk about in the public domain.  I know of some women who have monthly rituals surrounding their periods; whether it's buying themselves special treats, getting pampered, or full out burning of candles, lighting of incense, and howling at the moon.  Either way, I think it's a wonderful way to be more in tune with yourself and celebrate womanhood.

With that said, let us be honest.  Periods can be a pain.  Literally!  I was one of those people, however, that never had a heavy cycle or the pain associated with bloating or cramping.  My head may have spun around a few times like the girl from the Exorcist but that's another story entirely.  Furthermore, my cycle lasted four days tops and I could literally get away with wearing pantie liners for the last two days.  I was seriously blessed!  I wish I would've appreciated those days while they lasted because when I had children it all changed.

The very light flow I was accustomed suddenly became heavy, long and obnoxious!  Gone were the days of wearing pantie liners and thin little dainty pads, now it was time for the hospital grade, heavy duty, pillow top mattress pads; and even with those vile creatures strapped between your legs, there were no guarantees of pantie protection.  My beautiful silky, lacy, racy, raunchy, and delicate undies were now being replaced by old lady bloomers that stretched all the way under my boobs and on a particularly bad day I could belt them, throw on a strapless bra and call them a romper.  Yeah, they are that bad.

I was slowly getting used to the fact that along with the stretchmarks, sleepless nights, and these little people who destroy my house and spend all my money, that motherhood meant I could still have these beautiful La Perla and Agent Provocateur bras...I would just have to pair them with cotton granny panties.  Luckily, U by Kotex offers some really awesome products that offer the protection I need and are cute and dainty!!

I picked up U by Kotex® CleanWear® Pads Heavy Flow.  Seriously, when I looked at the thin cutesy pads, I thought, how in the heck can it protect my delicates from this Niagara Falls situation I have going on here?  Being slightly scared of change, I decided to wear my granny panties and my black denim shorts.  Sorry, just being honest.  Happy to say, with my normal daily activities of chasing a one year old around, running around my sons football practice, taking groceries up flights of stairs, and tending to my patio garden, my granny panties were spotless.  My results encouraged me, so I did the next test, sleeping!  Women know sometimes sleeping is a very dangerous situation and even the biggest pillow top mattress pads can not protect your panties (or sheets!) from Aunt Flo.  Wanting to see the results, I put on a new pair of bloomers and fell asleep.  Next morning, I was still spotless!  I thought to myself, maybe there is something to this 3D Core thing after all! 

So the last test I performed was a bit risque.  I have recently purchased undies from Agent Provocateur.  These cute little numbers look nothing like this on me so I won't terrify you with any undie selfies.  I wore these under my dress with my U by Kotex® CleanWear® Pads Heavy Flow and a prayer. Yes the undies are black, but my dress wasn't.  All day my mind was on my behind.  With pad each pad change I was expecting disaster.  Needless to say, I made it through the day disaster and spot free!  Hurray!

So my dear beautiful ladies, go ahead and get yourself a box of U by Kotex in the level of protection you need.  Find out more about U by Kotex® full line of feminine care products for periods including pads, liners and tampons. Outstanding protection that keeps you one step ahead.If you are still a little leery, you can get a free sample of U by Kotex here.  I promise you, you will not regret it!  So here's to womanhood, beautiful undergarments and saving the undies!

*A big shout out, big up, and thank you to U by Kotex for sponsoring this post and helping me to #SavetheUndies! *

As Always, Happy Shopping!

PS You can connect with me on:
Instagram: @IHEARTRetailTherapy
Twitter: @HEARTRetail
Pinterest: RetailTherapy1


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