Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adventures in Spa World, USA

BY Unknown IN , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 comments

Adventures in Spa World, USA

Poultice Rooms at Spa World USA

I have spent the better part of my morning, steaming, bathing, getting scrubbed, and having the living {insert four letter word here} beat out of me via shiatsu Spa World, USA.

For those unfamiliar with Spa World, it is a jimjilbang, a Korean-style bathhouse. The jimjilbang is a recent cultural phenomenon that grew out of a centuries-old public bathhouse tradition. Spa World is a 24-7 complex featuring a Korean restaurant, smoking and sleeping rooms, a gym and a child-care center. And boy, do those Koreans know how to party.  Nestled in an inconspicuous strip mall off of route 28 in Centreville, VA (DC Metro area), it looks like a...well, a restaurant.  However, when you step inside, a whole other world awaits you.

Entrance at Spa World USA
This place has bade pools, saunas, salt rooms, crystal amethyst rooms, blue onyx rooms, massage rooms, sleeping rooms, locker rooms; you could spend the weekend there, literally!

The first time I went to Spa World, I went with my mother.  We were strictly there for massage, so we walked into the womens locker room, complete with hard wood floors, leather furniture and well, lockers and headed up stairs for a 30 minute deep tissue massage.  I will not lie, shiatsu is not for the faint of heart, but after the endorphins kick in you feel amazing.  When my mom headed out of her session, her disheveled hair and easy appearance made me ask her if she had a happy ending!  She had not, she just felt marvelous.
Reception area at Spa World USA

So my second time around, I wanted to explore what else this spa wonderland had to offer.  I paid my $85 ($35 for all day access to facilities and $50 for a shiatsu massage) and immediately changed into my citrus tangerine prisoner uniform.  Yes, your uniform (the mandatory Spa World uniform) looks as if you should be picking up litter on the side of the road.

I decided to start with my massage.  A young lady with a small frame, worked my back and legs with force and deadly accuracy.  It was borderline excruciating at first, however, after the adrenaline started pumping, it was heaven.  I stumbled out of my massage room and decided to head to the bade pool.  Now, when entering the bade pool, nudity is not an option, it is mandatory. 

Poultice Rooms at Spa World USA
I admit, I am a bit of a prude.  I am not stripping for anyone except the mirror, or my husband.  When, I reached the locker room, there were ladies in different stages of undress, ages and body types ranging from slim to quite large.  All of them seemed perfectly comfortable with their nudity.  I stripped, and gave myself a pep talk, which consisted of, {insert expletive here} it!  The great thing about being in to fashion is, it teaches you that everything in life is how you play it!  Meaning, if you act like your feces smells like roses in a neon green sheath dress and black tights and neon yellow heels most people will believe you. (Hint, hint-you know that was plain ugly, I don't care what designer grafitti'ed their name across it),   So armed with my {expletive} it attitude, I strode (rather quickly) to the bade pool.  It was delicious.  After my deep tissue massage, the bade pool was warm, relaxing and inviting.

Bade Pool at Spa World USA
Spa World calls says their bade pool is state of the art water therapy.  They even have a routine for the bade pool!  You spend so many minutes on each part of the pool which has a variety of jets and fountains, that are designed to offer different types of hydrotherapy.  Because I was mildly uncomfortable with my nudity and the shiatsu massage turned my muscles into jelly I was perfectly content with the bubble jet.  

Amethyst Room at Spa World USA
While sitting there,  I realized no one else was bothered by their nudity (nor mine).  There were no creepy gawkers and the bade pools are separated by gender, so my own self consciousness, slightly subsided.  After about ten minutes of pure relaxation, a large group of women came to the bade pool. I decided to peel myself from the bubble jet so they could enjoy the bade pool routine.

From there I moved to the Dream Bath which consisted of high pressured water streams directly on my calves, soles, waist and shoulders.  I really could have stayed in the Dream Bath for the rest of the day, but the large group of women seemed like a feisty bunch and they moved rather quickly.

Next, I tried the Hydro Jet.  You stand and jets from all sides massage your body from the shoulders down.  IT.WAS.AWESOME.  After the Hydro Jet I decided to exit the bade pool, because the group behind me, made me feel rushed from station to station.  My personal motto is, if I am naked, I will NOT be rushed. (smile) Plus, I really wanted to relax, so I made a beeline to the locker room, put my prison jumper on and headed to the poultice rooms.

Red Clay Room at Spa World USA
First stop, the Amethyst room.  All of the poultice rooms look like earthen igloos and inside they usually have murals and designs on the wall made from whatever stone the room boasts.  In the Amethyst room the walls are made with obviously amethyst, rose quartz, and green quartz.  Supposedly it emits oscillating energy waves.  I don't know if it did all that, but it definitely made me sweat.  I lost all track of time gazing at the murals.  By the time I realized I had stayed a little too long, I was light headed and dizzy.

Instead of hitting another poultice room, I headed to the restaurant/juice bar ordered Bubble Tea and Chicken Wings...yes I know, out of everything in the world to order at a Korean bathhouse!  In my defense, if you have ever been to a Korean know Koreans know a thing or two about chicken wings.  And these wings were no different!  I found the nearest couch and literally pigged out.

Onyx Room at Spa World USA
I would like to end this post, saying I hit all the poultice rooms...but in actuality, after my meal, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up 2 hours later.  I can't make this stuff up.  No one woke me, nor bothered me.  It was two hours of the best sleep I have had since I was a baby.

With daily routine deadlines approaching, I had to go.  While changing, I felt remorseful, I did not want to leave this water oasis in the middle of a strip mall in Centreville, VA.

I walked to the front desk, retrieved my shoes, and immediately headed out of the glass doors, back to the big box stores, cookie cutter housing developments and suburban sprawl reality that is northern Virginia.  

I shall return, Spa World. I shall return.

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  1. Hey Nicole sounds like lots of fun thanks for taking me through this experience with you I only wish I was actually there but what matters is after your experience I want to go. You should really be a spokes person for spa world. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. awesome post,Deep tissue massage therapist give you hard & deep pressure during massage you can tell them to do massage slower if you feel too much pressure. its good to have this massage with slower pressure if you take it first time. You can use ice to your body after massage. You can take this massage on weekly basis to get good results

  3. @Shinay thanks for commenting! I am glad you liked it.

    @Nisha, even though my initial experience was painful, I really like the deep tissue massage! You feel so wonderful for days after the massage. Next time I go to Spa World and get the massage, I will definitely hit the Ice Room afterwards! Thanks for that piece of advice!


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