Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday and new year celebration!  

As you may have noticed, I didn't post during the holiday season.  During the holidays, I take time to self reflect.  Do not get me wrong, I enjoy the holidays (with two little ones you have to!); but I always take time for myself and my family, recharge my battery, review the passing year and make plans for the upcoming year.

I know it is rather cliche, but this year is going to be my year (and all subsequent years, mind you).  I have enrolled to be a certified MUA (!) and am going to pursue cosmetology!  Yes ladies, be on the look out for a full scale salon and day spa soon! Besides that and the usual resolutions people make; be a better mother, wife, daughter, relative and friend...get my sexy back, drink more water, eat more veggies, work out, cut out bad habits...I also want to see some changes in the world.  While it may be true that one person alone can not change the world...I feel if I can do better myself, maybe I can inspire others to do better as well.

Climate change, pollution, corruption of political systems, corporate greed at the expense of peoples lives, racism, women's rights, the lack of sisterhood between women(!), the dumbing down of society and a whole slew of detrimental issues that affect us all worry me more than ever.  I look at my children and wonder what type of world am I passing on to them? 

With these thoughts I ponder, I realize I have to make a change, be a better example and hopefully clean up the mess that my generation and ones before mine have left.  I love my children and I only want the best for them and other children as well.  With that said, ladies, change is up to you.  Yes, within your beautifully manicured hands is the power to change the world.

Now you may be saying to yourself, I only came here to read about how to get some Louboutins for cheap...well, today I need you to concentrate on your future and the future of this world we live in.  (Tomorrow we'll go back to shopping on the cheap)  You may feel powerless to make changes in the world, but I promise you your fears are with out merit.

If you do a brief study into history; read about the Women's Suffrage Movement, Women's Liberation, and the powerful women behind some of the greatest movements in history, you will realize our power.  Mind you, this isn't a call to male bash, I am simply pointing out that we need to understand our power and use it to effectively make these much needed changes!  

While you may not want to be on the front lines participating in the Slut Walks, or organizing committees in your neighborhood, let us try something simple.  First, start with yourself.  Love yourself no matter what the advertising industry tells you.  Work on being a better person.  Work towards your personal goals and aspirations. Then work on being a better wife, daughter, friend, sister, mother and cousin.  Once you are actively working on that, spread a little love to people you don't know.  Smile, say hello, compliment a woman on her outfit, give to the poor, volunteer your time to help organizations you believe in.  It is really that simple.  While you may not think those little things will make a difference, you never know who you made feel better because you smiled at never know who you may help while volunteering your time...and you just may be the little spark that starts the fire.  Again, the power is within your hands.

My wish for 2014 is to build a spirit of sisterhood!  We may not all be BFF's, but we should have a mutual respect for each other, because it is tough being a woman.  Juggling multiple roles, being a friend, working hard, being a daughter, wife, bestie, or just all around sexy woman, is hard...and throw in a 6 inch stiletto to the mix and possibly Aunt Flo and have mercy, it can be rough!  So ladies, work with me.  Help me out.  Let's build each other up, respect each other, and compliment each other on our shoe games.  A smile, a hug, a nod of encouragement can make all the difference in the world.

With that, I am going to actively post this year (LOL).  I am going to make sure I post my heart out with good, quality content and updates on my sisterhood building.  I am going to revamp Style Icon of the Week, I will also be introducing the Make Up Misfit, who will be my blog co-host who will write about cosmetics from a newbies point of view and other intriguing topics as well.  Of course, I will talk about shopping and some other goodies...but I am also going to delve into issues effecting our sisterhood and the world. I hope you stick around for it!

I appreciate all of your continued support of the blog, it really means so much to me!  So best wishes, Happy New Years and as always Happy Shopping!

PS: Follow me on
Instagram @IHEARTRetailTherapy
Twitter: @HEARTRetail
Pinterest: RetailTherapy1


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